


来源:本站原创时间:2018-02-02 19:15:03




梅姨来中国了!江疏影陪同翻译,英语技能爆表! (1).jpg


Theresa Mary May only stays three days in China, the trip really arranged compact. Aunt May spent one morning in Wuhan and accompanied by Jiang Shuying, Young Ambassador of Chinese and English, who was personally conferred upon Jiang Shuying by the British Ambassador in China Ambassador Wu Baina in July last year. At that time, Princess Anne is there.


Then, Mei Yi went to visit the Yellow Crane Tower and then flew to Beijing. Aunt May met with Chinese leaders in Beijing. Apart from participating in the business forum, May added one more important topic: education. At the beginning of her visit to China, Theresa May announced that it would establish a new cooperative relationship with China in the field of education.


梅姨来中国了!江疏影陪同翻译,英语技能爆表! (2).jpg


Actress "cross-border" to the political arena, already quite rare, Jiang Shuying acted as a "translator" role, not only beautiful but also good English, immediately followed by more fans!


Aunt May said: "Smart Youth is a very good example of human-cultural exchanges between Britain and China. Today's students are all confident future leadership." Well, what is the "background" of Jiang Shuying so that she can become Foreign officials "accompany"?


梅姨来中国了!江疏影陪同翻译,英语技能爆表! (3).jpg


East Anglia University, Master of Economics graduate. Good figure and high EQ and IQ, Jiang Shuying really makes people are very envious of it! University of East Anglia (UEA, official Chinese name: University of East Anglia), located in Norwich, England. Top universities in the world, top universities in the UK, one of the famous University Group in 1994, 1% of elite universities in the world, and 150 top universities in the world. In 2017, the TEF (Teaching Excellence Framework) issued by the Royal British Ministry of Education was awarded the Gold Medal.

东英格利亚大学,经济学硕士毕业。有颜腿长双商高,江疏影可以说的是让人非常羡慕啦!东安格利亚大学(University of East Anglia,简称UEA,官方中文名:东英吉利大学),位于英格兰诺里奇(Norwich)。世界一流大学,英国顶尖学府,著名1994大学集团成员之一,全球1%的精英大学,世界150强名校。2017年由英国皇家教育部颁布的TEF(Teaching Excellence Framework)中,被评为金牌大学。

梅姨来中国了!江疏影陪同翻译,英语技能爆表! (4).jpg


The process of applying for study is not easy, IELTS English exam also plagued Jiang Shuying. After reviewing for some time, Jiang Shuying tried a simulation test of IELTS listening, but after checking the answer, Jiang Shuying collapsed. Full of book dazzling red fork as a sharp blade inserted into her heart, she can no longer face the collapse of everything.


Ripped the entire English book, crying and shouting, "Why I worked so hard for so long time, English is still so poor!" After an afternoon of hysteria, she wiped her tears and picked up the torn pieces of their own book, sticked each piece again. Continue to listen endlessly, uninterrupted listening music, and frantic recite words. Like us, Jiang Shuying also has a very painful experience of learning English, but she overcame the difficults.




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