


来源:本站原创时间:2018-04-10 18:56:57




英语资讯:为环保,麦当劳推出“纸吸管” (1).jpg


Starting this summer, Seattle will ban plastic straws and utensils in all businesses that sell food and drinks. In California, there's a bill being considered that would require restaurants to only give straws when customers request them. Scotland plans to be plastic straw free by the end of 2019.

从今年夏天开始, 西雅图将禁止所有企业出售带有塑料的食品和饮料,吸管当然也不例外;加利福尼亚也有一项法案正处于酝酿之中,该法案要求餐馆只在顾客主动要求的时候才提供吸管;苏格兰计划到2019年底,实现全面消除塑料吸管。

英语资讯:为环保,麦当劳推出“纸吸管” (2).jpg


Although straws can be recycled, they rarely are. Instead, the petroleum-based straws end up in landfills, along the side of roads, and where they do the most harm, in our oceans.


They aren't the biggest polluter of our waterways, but they can be some of the most hazardous to fish and birds. Their size makes them easy for marine life to eat, and plastic items like straws and forks have become embedded in the noses of sea turtles — as you can see in the disturbing video above.

虽然它们不是我们水道中最大的污染源, 但鱼类和鸟类就有的受了。吸管不大,所以海洋生物容易吞食。像吸管和叉子这样的塑料物品,甚至还会卡在海龟的鼻子里。

It's estimated that 71 percent of seabirds and 30 percent of turtles are found with plastic in their stomachs-all ingested from avoidable waste created by humans, according to Strawless Ocean. When these animals ingest the plastic, they have a 50 percent mortality rate.

据《Strawless Ocean》报道,我们在71%的海鸟和30% 的海龟的胃里都发现了塑料。这些都是人类制造的,而我们本来是可以避免的——当这些动物摄入塑料后, 它们的死亡率达到了50% 。

英语资讯:为环保,麦当劳推出“纸吸管” (3).jpg


McDonald's is opting for a paper alternative. That's not the only option, but it's certainly a good solution is situations where straws will be tossed. However, if you like to use straws, you can avoid the one-time-use versions with a little planning. 

虽然麦当劳使用一种纸质吸管来代替,但这不是唯一的选择, 不过,相比随手扔掉塑料吸管,这已经是比较好的办法。如果你还是“戒不掉”吸管, 可以选择非一次性吸管,也可以给自己制定一个使用计划。

Bamboo, glass and metal are also used to make reusable straws. You can carry it with you, or even keep it in the glove compartment of your car, for those times when you want to use a drinking straw.

竹子、玻璃和金属也用来制作可重复使用的吸管。你可以随身携带它, 甚至可以把它放在汽车的手套箱里, 当你想用吸管的时候,随时拿出来用就好。



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