


来源:本站原创时间:2018-04-25 18:37:51



星巴克最近负面新闻有点多。两个黑人在星巴克等朋友,但是因为没买东西就被店员报警抓走了,虽然随后因为缺乏罪证被释放,但是警察捉人的视频还是在网上火了。星巴克将在 5 月 19 日关闭全美国超过 8000 家门店对店员进行种族歧视矫正。尽管这算是迈出了正确的一步,但这已经不是星巴克第一次和种族歧视扯在一起了。今天的日常英语资讯我们来扒一扒星巴克种族歧视的黑历史!



In 1994, former employee Tracy Coleman, who is black, said her supervisor requested to call her Toby, referencing a main character from the television mini-series and book Roots. She and another employee who stood up for her were fired within a couple months of each other. The case was eventually settled for an undisclosed sum.

1994年,星巴克的一位前雇员,名叫 Tracy Coleman,说她的上司叫她 Toby,这个名字来源于一部迷你电视剧《Roots》的主角。她和另一位站出来维护她的员工被双双炒了鱿鱼。这起官司最后是赔钱了事,也不知道星巴克赔了多少钱。


After two black men were shot and killed by Seattle police within a year, activists with People’s Coalition for Justice organized a boycott of a Starbucks in the city’s quickly gentrifying Central District. The protest was criticized by some who saw the efforts as misguided, citing the company’s local philanthropic work and the fact that it was in no way involved in the shootings. Nevertheless, protesters used the store as a symbol of the fraught racial politics in the company’s hometown.

在一年内西雅图警方两次击毙黑人后,People’s Coalition for Justice 组织了一次对星巴克的抵制活动。但后来有人批评了这次活动,因为觉得抵制的方向不对,他们举例了星巴克为当地慈善事业做的贡献,同时指出枪击事件和星巴克没有关系。然而,抗议者将星巴克视作西雅图种族主义政治的象征。


After Azmera Mehrbatu, an Ethiopian immigrant and mother of three, was fired from a Starbucks in St. Paul, Minnesota for alleged theft, her coworkers and other supporters picketed the store in protest of her treatment.

Azmera Mehrbatu 是一位埃塞俄比亚移民也是三个孩子的母亲,Minneapolis 的星巴克门店以偷窃的名义解雇了她,她的同事们义愤填膺联合其他支持者占领了这家门店,以抗议 Azmera Mehrbatu 遭遇的不公。


In 2014, an employee at a Milwaukee Starbucks called police on 31-year-old Dontre Hamilton, an black resident who had a history of mental illness, after they noticed him sleeping in a nearby park. The police officer who arrived killed Hamilton by shooting him 14 times. The killing prompted protests which later led to policy changes within MPD. Additionally, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz met with the Hamilton family in Wisconsin.

2014 年,Milwaukee 门店的星巴克店员看见一名黑人睡在附近的停车场里就打电话报警。那名黑人名叫 Dontre Hamilton 时年 31 岁,有精神病史,警察赶到后对 Dontre Hamilton 开了 14 枪将其击毙。这起枪击案招致了极大的抗议,最后导致了对警察局的改革。顺便一提,星巴克 CEO Howard Schultz 后来还慰问了 Hamilton 的家人。


In addition to the arrest that brought Starbucks’ struggles with racism into recent headlines, an incident in LA is raising questions about anti-discrimination policies at the chain. In an encounter he filmed on his cell phone, Brandon Ward, who is black, was escorted from a Starbucks after allegedly being denied the code to use the restroom.

除开本文开头提到的将星巴克卷入舆论漩涡的逮捕,一起发生在洛杉矶的事件又让人们对星巴克的反歧视政策产生疑惑。在一个用手机拍摄的视频中,星巴克的工作人员以违规使用卫生间为由将一名叫 Brandon Ward 的黑人送出星巴克。



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