来源:本站原创时间:2017-07-31 19:01:43
It is argued that we are living in a throw-away society: people throw away what they use in daily life, instead of recycling or reusing them.
Why has this happened and how to address this issue?
动作:live in a soceity 生活在社会上 (你一定觉得简直废话,因为人是社会主义动物俨然已经是盖棺定论的真理。莫急,看限定词)
限定词:throw-away (什么鬼?满脸竖条……)
throw-away 含义有些让人摸不着头脑,按照常理贴心的出题者应该会给出解释(无独有偶,此前“horizontal city” and“vertical city” 出现在题目中时,出题者多在题目中给出了具体注释)在此指 throw away what we use in daily life, instead of recycling and reusing.
分析完毕后,进行头脑风暴,此题的切入点应该是 throw away, not recycle and reuse,我们顺藤摸瓜,可以得出如下思路:
• throw-away:
1、不心疼: 科技进步—大规模生产—新品价格低廉— 扔得起
2、不值得—很多东西都不能长久使用(not last long)
3、很麻烦 — 城市中的修理点非常少
• not recycle/reuse:
1、消费观念改变 (consumption concept) — e.g. 新三年旧三年,缝缝补补又三年的想法已然过时 ( once praised qualities like thrift have become outmoded ideas )
2、缺乏环保意识(lack of environmental awareness) , 自己的行为污染环境而不自知
3、有意识,不愿意做,因为太麻烦 ( not willing to sacrifice their convenience)
就是用你现有的牌(你目前的英语能力)完成考官的指令,也保不齐就能升级、加分、写作突破6分,登上人生巅峰呢~在这个过程中,我们要侧重文章分论点和观点支撑与否,论据的展开和对论点的支撑是否到位,是不是有偏题(off the topic) 和 不相关(irrelevant) 部分,也要关心词汇语法是否准确,会否干扰读者的理解。以方才的throw-away society 为例,为大家提供一篇Rachel 所写的范文。
(words 368 略多)
It is argued that we are living in a throw-away society: people throw away what they use in daily life, instead of recycling or reusing them.
Why has this happened and how to address this issue?
这一状况因何产生? 如何解决这一问题?
The masses increasingly tend to use daily products only once and then dispose of them instead of keeping these items for a later use. It is of great significance to understand how this throw-away culture has developed and how to reverse this trend.This throw-away culture is mainly due to the fact that commercial goods are less expensive than they were in the past. As a result of the popularization of mass production and assembly lines, both the production costs are reduced and the workforce’s productivity is improved, which cut the prices of goods, rendering them more affordable. In the meantime, the public’s incomes are higher than ever before, which encourages them to attach more importance to living standard, including purchasing brand-new items either for their cutting-edge functions or appealing appearances rather than use an outmoded one for a long period.
Other factors accountable for this trend are people’s low environmental awareness and the complex recycling process itself. People are not aware that household appliances end up in landfill sites and these non-biodegradable products can have a destructive effect on soil and rivers.Besides, the recycling process is usually quite demanding. An empty plastic milk container is available to be recycled, whereas a one containing a trivial amount of liquid is not suitable as involving the contamination of the plastic recycling process. Ordinary people are less likely to sacrifice their convenience to rinse or dry bottles before putting them into dustbins.
As the overconsumption of consumer goods is pervasive, it is important to take some measures to mitigate this problem. Governments can introduce laws to discourage consumers from excessively purchase disposable products. China, for instance, passed a national wide legislation banning single-use plastic bags in the year 2008, which require convenience stores, markets and groceries not to provide any free plastic bags. Environmental groups can also disseminate the knowledge of how to recycle disposable goods and household appliances and help install more classification dustbins in local communities.
To summarize, people’s attitude towards consumption and the complexity of recycling process are main reasons behind excessive consumption of disposable items. However, we are optimistic to take steps to alleviate the problem in the promising future.
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